First Aid Course – Baby & Child

As a parent or caretaker, one of the greatest fears is probably facing an emergency situation with our baby or child and not knowing what to do when it matters the most. The objective of this 3-hour course is to be prepared. We hope it will help you react confidently if ever faced with a first aid emergency.

Join us on November 3rd!

This first aid course, tailored for baby and child emergencies, will cover topics such as:

  • Role of the first aider
  • Dealing with an emergency
  • Baby and Child unresponsive and not breathing – CPR
  • Baby or Child unresponsive and breathing – recovery position
  • Choking
  • Fever and Febrile seizures
  • Life threatening allergies / Allergic Reaction
  • Serious bleeding
  • Swallowing harmful products – poisoning
  • Bumps and breaks
  • Burns

Your instructor will be Jaquee Dixon-West, Certified First Aid Instructor and Registered Nurse.

Book now!

Book your spot now : send an email with name, phone number and preferred session at

Practical info

  • On Sunday 3rd November 2024.
  • Two sessions to choose from: either 09:00-12:00 or 13:00-16:00. There are a lot of topics to cover, so it would be much appreciated if the course could start on time.
  • There will be light lunch options proposed for the couples who want to each attend one of the sessions.
  • The course will be held in English.
  • Price is 85 CHF per person.
  • Jacquee advises to wear comfortable clothing as there will be some practical exercices. The course will take place in the play room, please remember to take your shoes off when entering.
  • Join us for this course at the Magical Cafe – Max Kämpf Platz, 2 – 4058 Basel.